Wasn't Ms Fugly mentioned on my few post earlier on?
Ok now guess what, here comes Mr Fugly.
Let's welcome him into the picture. *APPLAUSE LIKE MAD* (SHIT, I'm getting so dramatic)
So most of you have heard about my story on ms fugly, YAY she's gone, being transferred to JurongPoint's outlet and the outlet I'm currently working at is having a "Moving Out" sale so many aunties uncles cheap suckers are here everyday, which made our days hectic and busy like busyzz beezz. Hence, we've no choice but to borrow manpower from other outlets.
Here goes, on Monday, this guy named Benedict came in, ok he looked very fierce and fugly in the first place. I wonder why I am so prejudice against people's look nowadays, always insulting people like I'm perfect. Need to seek doctor! Ok anyways, he stands 1.75m (estimated) and 100kg (not estimated). His lips are dark and his skin are pale. Can you imagine how disgusting that is? His face are full of fats which tremors when he speaks. God, I can't fucking described that gross creature which made all of us felt peevish.
I wondered, is God playing a prank ON ME?
First comes ms fugly and now comes MR FUGLY. FUGGGGGG.
So the first day working with him was TOTALLY fine, he talked to Christina & me, chat about the outlet he worked, BOAST how big there is, how he can do cashier (LMFAO), and loves to boast, really loves to show off. He is fat and smelly. FML, cause I'm suffering from the lack of fresh O2. Weeee I remembered the chemical formula for oxygen!!!
Then Wednesday, it was where MR FUGLY had a 180degree total big drastic change in his whole character. I'VE GOT NO FREAKING IDEA WHY~?
On wednesday, it was Eileen, Jonathan and my work day, and Benedict also known as mr fugly was transferred over to my outlet again to help out.
So I did mentioned that he was perfectly fine on Monday, speaking and acting like one totally fine person not when he started to go BERSERK. YES BERSERK.
We spoke to him and he doesn't answer us. He started talking to himself, mumbling don't know what shit to himself and he will go berserk, in a way that his face will get fucking red and he will go around squashing the socks, apparels and will then thrown them back into the wagon. Also a "grrr" sound will drift out from him ( I'm sure you guys can imagine that ) when he do that. We're all freaking afraid of him! We suspected that he's mentally ill but how was that suppose to be when he told me that he worked 1 year already under this company. A company allows an insane guy to work for a year?! Kidding much? NO.
So the next notion we have on him is that he faked it and was sent from other outlets to play a trick on Eileen. Eileen is infamous and notorious for being hated by everybody in this company but am weird to say, she's still hired. WEIRD. So we presumed that people purposely sent MR FUGLY to here and play a so called prank on her/us.
More retarded and incongruous acts of mr fugly :
- He talks to himself, fuck. I suspected that he's talking to ghost.
- He kept diao-ing/staring at all of us, me, Jonathan and Eileen.
- He go around reading the price tag of EVERY items in the shop and stare at them for at least 2mins.
- (This is linked to the point above)When customers asked him the price of one thing, he will read the tag and stare at it and NO respond from him to the customer. He will just freaking stare blankly at the price tag. Horrifying.. Then I will have to walk towards him timidly in afraid that he will bear hug me with his pungent body odour and attend to the customer's need(s).
- He walks AROUND the shop with his fucked up dog face, reddish all over his cheeks and he will gives you a "I'm in a berserk mode and I'm pitiful and ugly and smelly and please punch me but I will punch you back so take the risk" painted on his face.
- He will go around the shop, squashing and squeezing every items, seemingly venting his frustration and anger on the items and still, with the fucked up face of his, lips crooked and face painted "I'm Mr Fugly"
- He freaking audaciously took out his phone and sat on the chair in front of the counter and used it like no one else was there. I complained to Eileen and to my surprise, she scolded me "childish" for complaining this. Dear Eileen, how USELESS and SCARED can you get? At the end of the day, she told me that my mentality is perfectly fine as compared to that siao kia thats why he could sit. God, just freaking say out you're afraid of him bashing you up into bar chor mee la Eileen, fucking useless in-charge you are. Read this for all you want, I'd enough of your nonsense. _l_
- He flop out his antique phone from his pocket and took our pictures! ALL OF US THREE. Can you guys interpret what is he trying to do ?!?!?
So Eileen kept probing him,
"Benedict ah, 你放工了,还不要回家吗?"
"要跟Auntie讲 lei!"
Trying to smitten him into another dimension. Then both me and Jonathan were very afraid he will suddenly go into berserk mode and ki siao start attacking us. LOL. Praying hard, he left the shop when we were packing our stuffs.
This saturday, he will be COMING again to help out. I will muthu roti prata call the OM and complain about this incident in hope that he won't send mr fugly/berserk here.
God, can you please stop giving me trouble. I'd enough~!
Luckily today, there was this guy from city square mall outlet came to help out and he was not abnormal. He was perfectly fine, an Malaysian with sweet fluent spoken English. Day passed by fast and tmrw, there's another new guy from CSM to help out.
Hopefully, he ain't another fugly..
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